ELK RIVER FARM: Site Portfolio

Soil Series List

Unit Map Unit Name % Slope Series Description Geomorphic Description Landform Position Flooding Ponding Hydric Drainage Parent Material Texture Depth
7B Hubbard loamy sand 2 to 6 sandy, mixed, frigid Entic Hapludolls hills on outwash plains, stream terraces summit, shoulders, backslopes none none no excessively drained outwash loamy sand 60+ in
258B Sandberg loamy coarse sand 1 to 6 sandy, mixed, frigid Calcic Hapludolls hills on stream terraces summits, shoulders, backslopes none none no excessively drained outwash loamy coarse sand 60+ in
258E Sandberg loamy coarse sand 12 to 35 sandy, mixed, frigid Calcic Hapludolls hills on stream terraces; escarpments shoulders, backslopes none none no excessively drained outwash loamy coarse sand 60+ in
341 Arvilla sandy loam 0 to 2 sandy, mixed, frigid Calcic Hapludolls stream terraces flats none none no somewhat excessively drained outwash sandy loam 60+ in
540 Seelyeville muck 0 to 1 euic, frigid Typic Haplosaprists moraines, outwash plains, stream terraces depressions none yes yes very poorly drained organic material muck 60+ in
1028 Udorthents-Pits gravel complex mixed, nonacid Udorthents moraines, outwash plains, stream terraces variable variable none no variable sandy and gravelly outwash variable 60+ in
1223 Sandberg-Arvilla complex 0 to 3 sandy, mixed, frigid Calcic Hapludolls/Sandy, mixed, frigid Calcic Hapludolls stream terraces slight rises none none no excessively drained outwash loamy coarse sand 60+ in
1255 Elkriver fine sandy loam 0 to 2 coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, frigid Cumulic Hapludolls flood plains flats occasionally none no somewhat poorly drained alluvium fine sandy loam 60+ in
1946 Fordum-Winterfield complex 0 to 2 coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, nonacid, frigid Mollic Fluvaquents/Mixed, frigid Aquic Udipsamments flood plains concave drainageways frequently none yes very poorly drained alluvium fine sandy loam 60+ in